HIIT or REST DAY | Sunday | 3-27
3/27: REST DAY OR HIIT Warm-Up: 1000m Row (60%) Metcon: FIGHT GONE BAD 3-5 ROUNDS (3 being minimum for beginnners/ 5 round for advance) 1 min at each station / 15 sec OFF between each station - Wall Ball Shots, 10ft target (20/14) - Sumo deadlift High Pull (75/55) you can use BB,KB, or DB - Box Jump (20in) - Barbell Push Press (75/55) you can use BB,KB, or DB - Row (max calories) REST 1 minute between each round If you have a white board or paper, write down your totals each round. GOAL: get over 300 TOTAL Core Circuit: 3 Rounds 30sec ON / 15 sec OFF - Hollow Body Fly Away - High Plank Knee to Opposite elbow - Hollow Rocks - Heel Touches
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