Just Published

Sexy & Toned ABS #1👙

BY Chanel DeLisser

  • 30 min
  • 0 Exercises

4 sets each (30 sec ON / 20 sec OFF) Exercises: - Alternating suitcase crunch - Weighted suitcase crunch - Alternating knee tuck crunch - Weighted russian twists - Static V- sit hold (modified: bend knees) __________________________________________ Equipment: - Dumbbell or no weight if necessary __________________________________________ In sequential order, do each exercise for specified duration, followed by specified rest time. __________________________________________ After completing a full round of the exercises listed, repeat sequence from the top. __________________________________________ EXAMPLE: * Do 30 secs of exercise #1 —> then rest 20 secs * Do 30 secs of exercise #2 —> then rest 20 secs * Do 30 secs of exercise #3 —> then rest 20 secs * Do 30 secs of exercise #4 —> then rest 20 secs * Do 30 secs of exercise #5 —> then rest 20 secs * Then repeat sequence until all rounds are completed __________________________________________ NOTES: - Use suggested timer app (Intervals Pro) - Set your time before you start - Be mindful of exercises that must be completed on the right and left side